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Tracking client progress
Sean Buxton avatar
Written by Sean Buxton
Updated over a week ago

In Progress you can track a range of metrics, from skinfolds, to circumferences to bone breadths.

How to complete a body composition

Click the New Body Composition button to begin collecting data. You can enter up to three times for each metric. The mean value will be used. Click Save when you are done.

Configure how your clients view the Progress page

Your clients also have access to the Progress page. By default, we display all metrics to your client, however you can configure which metrics are displayed on their progress page. To do this, click the cog on the metric card and then click hide metric from client.

Export to PDF

Exporting to PDF takes a snap shot of your clients progress. The output will include all metrics where there is currently data available. You can export your clients progress to PDF by clicking the export button.

List of currently available metrics

See below for a full list of the metrics you can track:

  • Weight

  • Height

  • BMI

  • Waist to hip ratio

  • Sum of skinfolds

  • Bicep skinfold

  • Triceps skinfold

  • Subscapular skinfold

  • Iliac crest skinfold

  • Supraspinale skinfold

  • Abdominal skinfold

  • Front thigh skinfold

  • Medial calf skinfold

  • Arm girth (relaxed)

  • Arm girth (flexed)

  • Waist girth

  • Gluteal girth

  • Humerus breadth

  • Femur breadth

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