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How to write a consultation

Consultations, support for nutritionists

Sean Buxton avatar
Written by Sean Buxton
Updated over a week ago

Write and store your client consultation notes in one place.

To start a new client consultation, click Consultations in Practice Tools in the main menu.

Click the Create button to start a new consultation, then select your client.

You can write in any of the blocks provided, including:

  • Client motivation, goals and expectations

  • Medical, injury or illness

  • Clinical Observations

  • Mental health and general wellness

  • Dietary

  • Body composition assessment

  • Cooking skills/competencies

  • Training, lifestyle and occupational observations

  • Event specific

  • Supplements

  • SMART goals and objectives

When you finalise and save a client consultation, your client will be able to access the report from their Learning Zone. You can configure what blocks they see in the report by checking / unchecking the visible to client checkbox.

You can come back to a consultation at a later date by clicking the Save button.

Alternative, tick the Finalise Consultation checkbox when you're ready to complete the consultation. Note, your client will receive a copy of the consultation when you click save and finalise.

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