Check-ins are a really useful tool to help you reflect on a weekly basis. It's a great opportunity for your nutritionist to see how your week has been and what they can do to help moving forward.
Where can I find check-ins?
Check-ins are located on your dashboard.
On mobile check-ins are positioned just below the habit tracker.
On desktop, check-ins are positioned on the right hand side of the screen.
How do check-ins work?
Your nutritionist will schedule your weekly check-in day.
Upcoming check-ins will inform you when your next check-in is due to be completed.
The check-in status will change to Complete Now on the day of your check-in.
Click Complete Now to start your check-in. In the side-bar, you will see the check-in questions. Answer these in as much detail as possible for your nutritionist. Click Submit once you've finished.
Your nutritionist will be notified once you've completed your check-in.